Friday, November 9, 2007


My next project is underway, codename: ThUg4Lyf3.

Objective: to screen print curtains and t-shirts with the classic police training paper target.

My father in law first broached the idea a few weeks ago. When I told him we were going ahead with it he seemed half proud and two thirds surprised, leading me to believe that he was joking.

I've been looking all over the internet for the right image. I had this mental picture of the old school Rainbow 6 games, where in the training exercise the baddies would pop up and you would pop them down with your MP5Sd6 with silencer and dot scope attachment (That mental image also landed me with an almost $400 airsoft gun, which I used maybe 10 times).

Apparently those particular targets were created for that game and don't actually exist, however I did find The Thug, which is very similar. In my searches I found an article about the origins of The Thug, and that article lead me to landing the perfect image. I love the internet more every day.

A little tweak in (an open source Photoshop knockoff) and we've got our Thug. Next, we throw the Thug into my newest screen printing tool: BlockPosters. That way we can print him out in a large, life size scale and screen print the hell out of him.

Needless to say this is going to take quite a bit of work, and I won't really make any money off of anything I print with this design until I sell quite a few of them. But money's not important to two 20 something married college students planning to go to Ireland for a summer semester. Man, that makes my life sound rough.

Maybe I should take to a life of crime... The Thug makes it look all too easy.

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