Monday, November 19, 2007

Pineapple Paraphanalia

It's been so long since we've added anything new to our Etsy shop. It felt good to get a new design up.

I put out a call for ideas on the forums and had a great response. The pineapple idea came from Didileo, a seller of some nice handbags.

Sam and I both loved the idea of just a pineapple, loud and proud on a shirt. I made the example shirt for Sam, she requested white on black and I think it turned out fantastically.

I recently broke down and bought some more expensive transparencies with a highly textured side. They are specially made to soak up ink from inkjet printers and man do they work. Now we're going to be able to do some more detailed work without worrying about the transparencies smudging all over the place.

We also had some interest in our services for printing other people's designs. Some people contacted us after my response to a forum post about where to get reasonably priced screen printing done. Now, in order to deal with wholesale shirt sellers we have to go through the Feds and then the State to get a vendor's license, which isn't difficult but will cost about $75.

That is by no stretch of the imagination a large amount of money. But things haven't been to great financially around here since I quit my job. Although things weren't financially great while I was working, either. I'm going to have to ask for someone to invest the money. I know my parents would do it. Sam's would too. I could probably even get a friend of mine to do it, but I feel like I shouldn't have to.

I'm not opposed to it. I just don't want to stir up a bunch of questions with my parents. Questions usually end in answers, and I don't want to lie. Therefore that means I may have to own up to quitting my job. And that won't go over very well. I don't expect an explosion over it but, in our current situation, it was kind of short sighted of me.

But as most people know, my vision hasn't even been that great. It'll work out. I just need to get the license and some prices to these peeps before they drift off over the intrawebs and I never hear from them again.

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