Thursday, November 8, 2007

Penn Station sounds delicious

I think I'm addicted to food. We all are I guess, you just can't live without it - can you?!

I eat constantly, usually from about 7 to whenever I go to bed, sometimes that can amount to 7 or more hours.

Maybe constantly is too specific of a word. I.... am not going to write about this anymore. I was starting into a long diatribe about how much I eat. But that's stupid, so I'll write about something that's stupid but on topic.

I can't print. I haven't had any good ideas lately, and the ones I have had - mediocre ones - I haven't been able to work out. I've set up 3 screens, all of which were failures. One was a scarf design for Sam, the other 2 were an attempt at a wall graphic for my desk. I discovered that a lot of my problems recently have stemmed from my emulsion. Bill, the guy who owns the only art supply store here, who is considered a jerk and ripoff by quite a few art students, sold me emulsion that was apparently really old. I chose the newest looking jar, most of it was in old metal paint can style jars with logos for companies that have long since changed their logo.

Well this emulsion is a pain, it washes out after it has been burnt, and the edges of all of my designs look like they are made of torn newspaper. Actually, I could tear a better image out of newspaper.

My printer ran out of ink, which is OK because it won't print my transparencies correctly anyways.

A package I sent to a customer nearly a month ago turned up in my mailbox today, along with an e-mail from said customer, which is odd. They're okay with waiting after they read the message I sent them explaining what happened (I don't know what happened).

Oh, and I was pretty sure my wife had disappeared earlier today. So today has been kind of a strange day. But it'll be okay.

I really need to print something, it helps me focus on one thing. A lot of the time my mind is racing so fast that I can't zero in on one thing to do or remember anything for very long. Which is why I used to enjoy rock climbing so much - you can't focus on anything except what you're doing.

That might explain why I'm perfectly fine doing things like printing, or writing a paper, or setting up my computer when I'm alone. Throw some other people into the mix and I'm thinking about too many things at once again. Therefore I tend to over react.

I pride myself on handling difficult, enigmatic situations with ease and clarity. I just can't remember to replace the trash bag after I take the trash out. Life is made up of all these little compromises.

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