Sunday, December 14, 2008

If she gets kidnapped again, I'm gonna scream

(Spoiler Warning)

Mario and I just saved Princess Peach again, this time on Super Mario Galaxy. I must say, that was a good game. It's amazing that they still make Mario interesting. As I get older, though, I realize that I sympathize with Bowser more. He always has a grand plan, albeit evil, and things never quite work out. Although this time Nintendo decided to keep him alive, I guess for the sake of continuity. Seems like an odd choice. By now I think we're all used to seeing his demise, and then him popping back up to nab the Princess come Quarter 4 a few years later (just in time for Christmas).

In a related incident, while Googling the picture shown at right I came across something interesting. Note: make sure your moderate safe search is on before Googling "Princess Peach," unless, of course... well... nevermind. That wasn't the interesting thing. The sweet Princess Peach cuff design, hand cross stitched by some dude's mom was what I found.

I've never wanted a princess shirt so badly. Who's thinking of a new screen printing project over winter break? Oh, I am. I AM!

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