Monday, December 15, 2008

The Beginning of the End

I finished up editing on my short film for Com211. I spent a lot of time in the editing studio. It's a grueling process, but it's actually pretty fun and interesting.

I planned on coming home and loading it, but I couldn't get the file to work right. I saved it properly (I think) but Final Cut is tricky. It'll only load on the computer I used to edit. I think I made a mistake by not copying the entire file, with all the raw footage and music. On every computer I've tried, either nothing happens or I get a message about missing video files. Luckily, I can play the audio perfectly. There's nothing quite like disembodied voices talking about god-knows-what.

This marks the end of my first day of finals. I turned in my English portfolio, so hopefully that goes well. I can't think of many reasons it wouldn't. I finished the video. And that's it for today.

We're convening tomorrow at 2:45 to watch everyone's videos. It's going to be awesome. Haley, Mike and I were in the studio together for 14 hours over the last two days. Both of their videos are looking great. Originally I thought Haley was insane, trying to do film noir lighting. Then I heard about a Model-T, and I was sure she was crazy. Today I looked over and saw her actors in period costumes, and I realized she was pulling it off. She's got the whole nine yards: fedoras, suits, a shoulder holster, a gun, a BADGE! I got a private viewing of her film, titled Watermarks, and I was impressed. It's funny how Haley thought her project was sucking, Mike thought his project was horrible, and I was sure mine was crap, but by the end of the night everyone was pretty happy with how things turned out.

I'm headed back in tomorrow to burn a DVD and turn everything in. Hopefully I'll have a viable copy to upload to Youtube and, of course, here on 8Ounce. Check back later for the online premier of Last night, I think she left.

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