Thursday, January 3, 2008

The weather outside is frightful

We're back. Several weeks at home and a long trip to Texas (16 hours in the car, both ways) later I have a new appreciation for sitting around and doing nothing. That's not to say that I didn't have a healthy appreciation of sitting around and doing nothing before. It's nice to be home and not have to worry about any papers or projects or even going to class.

My friend Mike got Rock Band for Christmas, so he packed up and drove back to Oxford with us last night and we rocked the house down. While we were playing Mike reminded me of this XKCD comic, sure to be a classic. If you've never visited XKCD I suggest you do. Randall Munroe's stuff is consistently funny and always fresh, which is saying a lot about an online comic. Of course I'm a liberal arts major so pretty much every math joke goes over my head, but I laugh and shake me head anyway. I don't like to feel left out.

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