Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I really should do some research before I do things. I tend to think up an idea and start in on it and halfway through realize that I only thought of the idea, I didn't think of how to execute it. At least not in its entirety.

For instance, some lucky person is getting our new You Deserve Pie poster. I just wanted to put something up and Sam doesn't feel like taking pictures recently so I did them myself. They aren't the best but it worked and someone bought one. So that's good...

Now how in the hell do you mail a poster? A small one at that. I don't want to send it in a 2 foot tube, the thing is only 12 inches tall and I think that's a considerable amount of overkill. I also hate, and I mean hate bent posters. Of course this is printed on a matt stock so it won't be so bad as when your brand new glossy poster gets a dent and light cascades toward it like a black hole, swirling around the blemish until it is all you can see and you have to (carefully) take the poster down.

So I grabbed some thick cardboard boxes that the art supply store shipped paper in to Sam, they must know what they're doing right? I cut it down to size and made a giant sandwich around the poster. Crisis averted. Then I guess I'll take that into the post office and put it inside something else, but I haven't really thought that part through yet.

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