Monday, December 17, 2007

The Holidaze

So I feel funny. Not a sick funny or an excited funny, but just funny. For some reason the end of this semester has come as kind of a surprise to me. I don't remember ever wanting the end of a semester to come this badly. Now that it's over I have nothing to worry about except not foundering on cookies and pie and keeping up with the orders from TealTown. We had another order yesterday (prompting me to drive the hour back home from my parents house) so I'm thinking that perhaps we'll keep up a decent sales rate even after Christmas, which would be nice.

I've done a massive amount of printing in the last week and I'm glad that every time I print a shirt I'm entertained and it makes me proud to see them come out. We've even got some info on a non profit organization that is looking for some clothing and we're shipping out a box full of shirts and scarves to them. Our own little corporation is starting to plump up.

Unfortunately I'm afraid I might plump up with it.

Stupid cookies.

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