Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Now for our Featured Presentation

How privileged are we? Today we're being featured on the blog of QuirkynBerkeley and as far as I know that is the first blog that we've been featured on. I'm glad that we got this opportunity, and that Quirky enjoyed our stuff enough to post it to her site.

I was supposed to write up some info for her, but Sam and I spent 10, count them, 10 hours in the Architecture studio with our 2 partners building a 12 foot bridge. But not only a 12 foot bridge, a 12 foot foot bridge. Our partner Lauren must successfully negotiate her way across the bridge without it tearing into pieces. An interesting proposition considering two massive parts broke while we were trying to put it together. It actually turned out to be kind of fun for me. It was neat to see our idea come together, we did something completely different from any other group, and our team is full of nice people - and funny to. I'll post some pictures of the bridge later, they're e-mailing them to me tomorrow.

But for now, I'm going to go to bed. It's been a long day - the bridge, made and shipped out 3 shirts, our first international package to Canada. I'm beat, although I am tempted to jump in the chat room real quick. But no, that would be a bad idea.

1 comment:

girk said...

Psst... second feature ;)
I featured you back in Nov

I'm poking through your blog, appreciating all the screne printing tips. I am screen printing today , and its been, umm, over 10 years. So i need all the tips I can get ;)