Sunday, December 2, 2007

Thank God for complaining

A lot of people have been upset over the Gift Guides because they feel that it is not inclusive enough, or that it isn't as democratic as it should be. I didn't have much of an opinion on the subject. I searched for our items in the different categories I thought we would appear in and found nothing. If anything I was worried that our stuff wasn't up to snuff.

Well all of the complaining made me go through the guides again. I went through more of them, thinking that I looked in the wrong area. Then I noticed the wedding category, and being recently married I thought that was a really interesting idea so I took a look, and guess what.

Well laa-dee-frickin'-da. Of all the things, we're a part of the wedding list? Wow, to think that someone liked our curtains enough to suggest they be given as a wedding present is pretty cool. I would write more but I'm really bored and I have some work to do so I had better get it done.

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