Monday, December 10, 2007

Sweden is good for money and chocolate

I printed up the shirt we sold to a lady in Sweden today. I'm excited to send it out, not so excited to go to the post office.

I took my online exam today, the first of 2 take home exams. It's nice having an exam you can take home and go over on your own time schedule. My next exam is tomorrow at 5PM, which I'm not sure how I feel about. I'm just going to study for a while right before I go so that might be nice that it's later in the day. Another on Wednesday and turning in a takehome on Friday. So all in all the week is nicely spaced out and won't be too bad.

I don't really feel like doing much. It's that end of the semester slump (which lasted all semester). I have plenty to do, I still need to make a custom shirt for a customer and print that up, but she's in Canada until Christmas and wants it just shipped to her parents house so that can wait until the other stuff is done. I spend a lot of time in the chat rooms on Etsy, just shootin the breeze and hoping for some exposure.

Tomorrow we've got business cards arriving, which is super sweet. Sam posted the pics on her blog. I think she's happy with them, which is good because a lot of the time she dislikes her own work, but this time she knows its good. I can't wait to hand them out to someone, but at the same time I don't want to just give them away because they're so sweet.

I've been trying to think of some cool freebies to throw in with our packages but I'm not coming up with anything. It's not like I can afford to send a free shirt out. If we can keep the business up to this level we'll be able to get something nice to go along with our stuff, which will be yet another milestone.

And that's pretty much it for now. Too much thinking and exams and whatnot doesn't lend for very interesting material

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