Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Spring Break is over and it's breaking my heart.

We flew from Dallas to Columbus, 75 and sunny to 30something and snowing. That was hard. Actually it was too easy. It's not like you can turn a plane around. While we were there in the sun we snapped some pictures of our shirts and expanded our inventory a bit, which was great.

We got some old, vintage suitcases over break too, which we're going to use to display shirts at the show on Saturday. Today they people running the show sent out an e-mail to the sellers and there were nearly 30 of us (they apparently don't know the purpose BCC to hide email addresses) which is good. Sam brought up a good point: The more people are there the more people are going to want to come. This helped put to rest my fear that we'd end up standing out in the park by ourselves looking crazy. Now at least I know there will be a bunch of other people looking crazy, too.

But being back has landed me in a seriously depressive funk. I've been trying to print the last 50 shirts to get us ready and I keep freezing up. I just didn't feel like doing anything today and when I got ready to make some shirts I didn't know which one I wanted to do. So I ended up pacing back and forth from the studio into the living room. Eventually I forced myself to just make one, which seemed to break through the fog and I made a few more. Hopefully I'll just make a few a day until Friday and we'll sell what we can. It was strange. I've heard of writers' block but this was apparently printers' block.

In other news: I also have writers' block. I can't let myself write more than a page or two on my last nonfiction piece. Luckily I found out it's due nearly two weeks later than I thought.

It's going to be a rough week.

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