Thursday, July 17, 2008

And now for something completely different

Dear Mark,

Today you felt like a college student. Which is strange. Or maybe not strange, seeing as you are a college student (you're half way through at this point), but at least out of the ordinary. There were times when you've felt like this before. They usually come during the summer. They're always accompanied by friends.

Let's face it: you don't have a whole lot of friends. I'm not being mean, just saying. But that has to do with the whole quantity versus quality argument. Tyler came over, Dave followed a little later. Of course Samantha was there. We all watched X-Files episodes, Batman Begins and then sat outside about 20 yards from a failed bonfire. (You wanted to have a bonfire and no one else was interested. Also, for some reason, sticks don't burn that well around here).

Tyler, Dave and you played cards out on the back patio while Sam cleaned around the house. She didn't want to play cards.

It seems odd how a perfectly lazy, simple day can feel good. There's plenty of shit to worry about but we ignored it today. We sat outside and played cards, sweating and cursing over Death Cab for Cutie.

There might be something profound hidden somewhere in the details of today. Let's not worry about it too much. I just thought you'd like to remember today.

We should do this again some time.


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