Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Goodbye Mozilla

I feel bad, but I guess I should just say it. Get it over with.

*ehem* Firefox....okay... I don't know how to do this. It's hard, you know? I mean, we've been together a while. And it was fun. It was real fun, but sometimes things change. I'm sorry, but I've been using another browser. 

Don't be like that. We both knew that when I said that I'd never leave you that it was wishful thinking. It just got stale, like we were sitting around staring at each other. You'd be loading
 something and I'd just sit around and wait. Not to mention you'd just crash on me. That's not fair. Am I supposed to just wait for you to crash and then have to be the one to reboot you? I can't take on that responsibility, always fixing things. Why don't you just fix yourself sometimes?

Sure, it's not perfect, but Chrome is just new...exciting. It's so much bigger. I can see all this extra stuff. I can rearrange tabs, pull tabs to new windows, browse incognito! You always wanted to know where I was all the time. Chrome is totally cool just letting me wander around without tracking my every move.

I'm sorry, Firefox, but it's over. There might always be a special place for you on my harddrive, but Chrome is taking your spot on my desktop.

Well, hello beautiful

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