Tuesday, October 30, 2007

In the beginning

We aren't starting from the beginning. We're actually starting from somewhere near the beginning, but before the middle. Honestly, I'm not sure where we are. But that's not important.

I've started another blog because that's what you do with blogs. You write diligently for 6 weeks tops and then you go out of town for a weekend and when you come back you realize that you aren't a writer. But that's not important either.

What's important is that I told my wife I would do this.

We recently started our own shop at TealTown. If you've never been to Etsy you should go right now. It's okay, I'll wait. Just be sure to come back.

Welcome back. It's okay, I knew you weren't going to follow the link, so I'll tell you that it's a site that hosts stores for people who make handmade items of all kinds. That way those crafty types out there can try to make enough money to buy their crafty craft materials.

We do all kinds of things. I screenprint and design T-shirts and the like, the wife is a photographer and idea (wo)man and knick-nac crafter. She's constantly coming up with new ideas. I plan on dedicating a large portion of this blog to cataloging the thought process, brainstorming and techniques we use to create our merchandise. I'd like to give our customers an inside look at the life and craft of a couple of newlywed 20 somethings trying to live off of Wii and spaghetti all the while surviving college. Not to mention shamelessly plugging our shop and items.

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