Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I got hit. Kim Bagwill, a fellow Blogger and interesting artist (I meant the fellow part about Blogger. I don't consider myself an interesting artist... yet) tagged me. It happened a while ago but I never did it because... well because I didn't have time. Also I didn't know what to put. Then I realized it doesn't really matter that much. So here it goes!

The rules of tagging are as follows:

1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Six random things/habits/quirks about me:

1. My instinct is to never answer the door. When random people walk up to my house I always want to hid. Actually, I do hide. I can see them head up the driveway from my computer so I usually plaster my face to the desk and wait for them to leave. It doesn't matter if they're friendly looking. I did this today. My car was in the driveway with the windows open. The garage door was open, too.

2. Every once in a while I catch myself coming up with elaborate escape strategies. In class I'll look for the nearest door or open window. Then I'll think about how to duck and dodge my way outside... you know, just in case.

3. I have hobbit feet. People usually don't believe me until I show them. They're really hairy on top and each toe has a puff of hair on it.

4. There are three foods that I eat for a month at a time. Clementines, bagels and chocolate milk that I mix myself with Hersey Syrup. For some reason I rotate them. I'll have each fairly regularly for a few weeks and then not again for a year.

5. I once purposefully pronounced the word "gross" as "grahss" for a long time until I couldn't really make a distinction between the two. I'm not really sure why. I also taught myself to say "Do what?" instead of "What?" or "What did you say?" when I didn't understand or hear someone.

6. Every morning I wake up with a different song in my head. Sometimes it's a song I haven't heard for a while. Just one phrase will be stuck in my head until I either go out and start doing something or listen to it on my iTunes.

1 comment:

Kim Bagwill said...

Hey - thanks for playing! I, too, don't like to answer the door. I have hidden before, too, but it doesn't happen so much now that I've moved to a big city.