Monday, June 1, 2009

Test of Will

It is 10:42PM and in an hour I will start my shift at work. I get off at 7AM. I hope I don't cry at any point during the night.

I came home earlier without Samantha, which is always muy triste :( She had to stay and work the golf outing with Essenza, which seems to have gone pretty well according to what I heard. I came home to get the house straightened out for tomorrow, when Dad is bringing a real estate agent over to see how much Oxford House is worth. I tried to "pick things up" but we have so much junk that I just had to re-arrange it. There's a lot of stuff that just has no better place to be. Where do you put 100 old books when you don't have a bookcase? The floor, I guess. I cleaned up the old computer room, which I think looks waaayy better. I did the dishes, tried to put Sam's paint stuff out of the way in the bathroom. Hopefully she's not really interested in how clean the house is. Ugh. Cleaning isn't so bad with Tick around. Actually, it is kind of fun sometimes. But when she's not here to praise me like a puppy, it's just kind of depressing doing it by yourself.

I packed up a bag for tonight. They never told me I couldn't bring a backpack, so I've got one set up like I'm getting in the car to drive to Mount Pleasant: laptop, DVDs, Nintendo, a book. I'm not sure if any of that is going to be enough to keep me awake, but we'll see. If anyone finds me sleeping it results in immediate termination... so keep your fingers crossed. Although, technically I get a 1 hour unpaid break, but I guess I don't get that break if it's at night? Who knows, this job is the most confusing set of rules I've ever had to remember. There's supposed to be someone else there tonight. The only thing I know about them is their last name: Lowder. I hope s/he isn't a doofus, that would suck. I bet they're thinking the same thing. I'm not sure I would reassure them that I'm not a doofus. I feel like I have high doofus potential and at any moment it'll jump out and doofufy any situation.